The global recall of Lactalis formula has now reached 83 countries. Nobody could have imagined such a massive impact.. nobody at the French government at least, considering how long it took them to take a decision on the global recall.
Representatives from IBFAN were interviewed by BBC to comment on an scandal that is not so surprising to whoever is familiar with the work of baby food manufacturers and distributors. Indeed, it’s not the first time contaminants are found in baby formula and not the first time that the news on the accident keep a very low profile so that the company can save its image and its sales.
See Baby Milk Action press release here (for the French translation, click here), including the excerpts of the interviews to Patti Rundall and Alison Linnecar with BBC. The January update is available here.
Watch French TV Program Cash Investigation‘s documentary on Lactalis, of 16 January 2018 (in French) https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/alimentation/lait-infantile-contamine/lactalis-refuse-de-publier-ses-comptes_2565097.html
For more information contact:
Alison Linnecar, IBFAN global working group on chemical and microbiological contamination of infant feeding products + 33 450 56 40 80, for text messages: + 33 622 18 72 88
Dr. J P Dadhich MD (Paediatrics); FNNF; PG-DDN Director – Technical, BPNI, IBFAN Global Council; Sub-regional Representative – IBFAN South Asia, +91-11-27312705; +91-11-27312706 jpdadhich@bpni.org www.bpni.org
Patti Rundall, Policy Director, Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK +44 7786 523493 prundall@babymilkaction.org www.babymilkaction.org
For IBFAN websites with more information on contaminants
- http://ibfan.org/infant-and-young-child-feeding-health-and-environmental-impacts and
- http://ibfan.org/contaminants-in-baby-foods
- Contamination with Clostridia https://www.ibfan.org/how-widespread/
For more information in French, see our website section on Contaminants.