COP29 – IBFAN-GIFA Statement
In Baku, the day of 19 November 2024 is devoted to the themes of food, agriculture and water day. These are all issues where breastfeeding can make a difference! Threats to the world’s food supply – the role of...
In Baku, the day of 19 November 2024 is devoted to the themes of food, agriculture and water day. These are all issues where breastfeeding can make a difference! Threats to the world’s food supply – the role of...
Tuesday 26 November 2024, 1-3pm. GIFA Breastfeeding afternoon: Breastfeeding and complimentary feeding (online training) in FRENCH Dr Hélène Leyder, paediatrician Participate in the Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81692263686 Meeting ID: 816 9226 3686 No registration required. To obtain a certificate and/or...
In Switzerland, labour law protects breastfeeding if the mother is in work during the child’s first year of life. Since 2014, when Switzerland signed the ILO Convention 183, time spent breastfeeding or expressing milk is counted as paid working...
Pink October is a time to show solidarity with all women suffering from breast cancer. It’s also a time to raise awareness of preventive factors, so as to give ourselves the best chance of escaping the tragedy that is...
The theme of World Breastfeeding Week #wbw2024: Closing the gap: breastfeeding support for all https://worldbreastfeedingweek.org. In Switzerland, WBW is being celebrated this year from 14 to 21 September 2024. It provides an opportunity to talk about the benefits of...
On the occasion of the Olympics 2024 in Paris, let’s share the very important news : Breastfeeding mothers are also athletes ! Crowned World Judo Champion 2023, Clarisse Agbegnenou is a nursing mother, and the news has not gone unnoticed! An...
The International Congress of Nutrition (ICN3) will take place in Paris, 24-29 August 2025 with the theme ‘Sustainable Food for Global Health’. https://iuns.org/2024/05/international-congress-of-nutrition-2025/. This topic has been addressed by IBFAN-GIFA since many years and GIFA participated in the World...
The Swiss group Nestlé adds sugar to certain food products for newborns in poor countries, denounce the RTS, the Basler Zeitung, the Berner Zeitung, the Bund, the NZZ and the Tages-Anzeiger, citing a study by the NGO Public Eye....
Several associations of healthcare professionals (doctors, midwives, lactation consultants, paediatricians) from around the world have signed a motion calling for an end to corporate sponsorship of breast-milk substitutes. This sponsorship includes advertising, but also the funding of conferences, training...
We are delighted to present a new documentary film on breastfeeding: “East meets West for the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding”. It was created by Stéfanie Rosin (WBTi Germany) during her three-month trip to the Asian countries of...
In February 2024, COFF (the Swiss Federal Commission for Family Affairs) published a Policy Brief stating that breastfeeding is a matter for society as a whole. “Mothers who wish to breastfeed their children should have the opportunity to do...
GIFA Breastfeeding afternoon (online) on Tuesday 12 March 2024, 1-3pm in French “Prolonged breastfeeding: preconceived ideas and current information”. The zoom link will be publishid on 5 March 2024 here Speakers: Learning objectives : Target audience: Anyone in contact...
Will COP28 protect our children’s future and health? Families all over the world are suffering the disastrous impact of global warming on their lives, their health and their livelihoods. They know that their children will be directly affected by...
“Come to the Table” (formerly The Taste Week) is an initiative of the Canton of Geneva to promote the motto “From field to plate – eating locally and in season”. Food is fundamental to health. We develop a taste...
As every year, Geneva University Hospital (HUG) is organising events for World Breastfeeding Week (WBW). During the week of 11-18 September 2023, there will be information stands on breastfeeding (with the participation of GIFA) and workshops. What is WBW...
Health and nutrition claims about infant formula can enhance the perceived benefits of formula over breastfeeding and thereby undermine breastfeeding. Cheung et al have examined the evidence for the health claims made for infant formula by the baby food...
Greenfeeding – or Ecofeeding – stands for eating healthy, sustainable, and ecologically friendly foods, as opposed to ultra-processed foods. As food production has an important share in greenhouse gases and climate change, greenfeeding in « World Nutrition » needs our full...
In emergency situations, nutrition and breastfeeding in particular play a decisive role. Emergencies can be of various types: military conflicts, refugee camps, political crises, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, as well as non-natural disasters such as nuclear accidents, etc. Switzerland...
New Rochelle, NY, March 22, 2023, Publisher’s Abstract—By following normal mother infant physiology, parents can get more sleep. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) has released new guidelines to help parents manage night-time breastfeeding in young infants. The new...
The Lancet publishes a new series on breastfeeding, following up on the 2016 series that showed the benefits of breastfeeding for developed countries, the health of babies and mothers, and the large savings in healthcare costs. In 2023, the...
To avoid developing a vitamin D (vitD) deficiency, The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institute of Health currently (2021) recommend that breastfed and partially breastfed infants be supplemented with 400 IU per day of vitD beginning in...
As world leaders meet in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (Cop 27), IBFAN is calling for restrictions on the global production and trade of ultra-processed (UPFs) plastic-wrapped and additive-laden products. While many nutrition campaigns have focused on excess...
Research has revealed new insight into the biological mechanisms of the long-term positive health effects of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is known to be associated with better health outcomes in infancy and throughout adulthood, and previous research has shown that babies...
Based on this review of the literature, interventions that extend across pregnancy and postpartum and offer individualized support from both professionals and peers who collaborate through a continuum of settings (e.g., health system, home, and community) are most successful...
Like every year, WBW (World Breastfeeding Week) is celebrated on different dates around the world. In Switzerland, it is in mid-September. The University Hospital of Geneva (HUG) organizes on this occasion : an information stand at the entrance of...
GIFA supports Nanette Jolly’s demand that the the exclusively breastfed child (0-6months) should be the baseline, i.e. the controll group, and to consider anything that deviates from this practice, as « study group ».Instead of showing that breastfed children...
The second report in a series detailing exploitative marketing practices employed by US$ 55 billion baby formula industry, shows parents, particularly mothers, are being insidiously and persistently targeted online 28 April 2022 WHO News release Geneva Reading time: 3...
Message by Ksenya Solovey, Lactation Consultant in Ukraine: Mothers + babies need to stay warm. Donate clothes, blankets. Send medical supplies. Promote mothers uniting together. Please remember, formula donations will ultimately undermine breastfeeding and in the long-term create poor...
This study by Carina Stone and Julie P Smith finds that meaningful discussion of breastfeeding is overwhelmingly absent from the sexual and reproductive health rights literature, despite several key international human rights instruments protecting women’s rights on breastfeeding. Equally,...
Sign the WHO Letter #EndExploitativeMarketing https://www.who.int/teams/maternal-newborn-child-adolescent-health-and-ageing/formula-milk-industry/endexploitativemarketing-of-formula-milk-products See livestream of the event https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2022/02/23/default-calendar/marketing-the-USD-55-billion-formula-milk-industry We call on manufacturers and distributors of commercial milk formula to #EndExploitativeMarketing of formula milk products. We call on National Governments to enact, monitor, and enforce laws...