The first phase of the IYCF (Infant and young child feeding) project in 2014-2015 had a significant impact on the nutrition of young children and the health of mothers in the target countries, namely Burkina Faso, Gabon and Niger. Given the progress made and taking into account the challenges that still remain, this second phase of the same project will extend to two other countries in the region, Benin and Togo. Gabon will receive less extensive but more focused attention.
This second phase – planned to cover the period 2018-2020 – will be carried out thanks to the financial support of the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and the Commune of Plan-les-Ouates, with a contribution from WHO and UNICEF for certain specific activities.
IYCF 2 follows the same lines of action as the previous one, namely: training and capacity building of health professionals, social mobilisation and awareness raising, local and national advocacy, and international advocacy. These four main axes are in line with the general objective of the project, which is to optimise ANJE practices by improving the system of protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the countries concerned. This will contribute to accelerating and improving the implementation of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, established by WHO and UNICEF in 2002. And full Document here https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241562218
In the field, IBFAN GIFA, assisted by IBFAN Africa, will continue to collaborate with the different local partner structures, namely IBFAN Burkina Faso/APAIB, IBFAN Niger/GAPAIN, IBFAN Gabon/AGPAI, IBFAN Togo/GAAIN, IBFAN Benin and IBFAN ICDC. In the communication aspect, the focus will be on the human rights dimension of breastfeeding and the good practices defined by the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, and recognised by the United Nations system.
The project intervention in Benin will focus on the Cotonou health department and will consist of support at national and departmental level. In Burkina Faso, it will cover the Centre-West health region, including, compared to phase I of the project, an extension of the area of coverage for information and advocacy actions on the CICSLM. Niger will see a reinforcement of achievements in Niamey’s Health Districts III and IV for information and advocacy on CICSLM, due to the still extremely low ANJE rates in this area. In Togo, the Central Region will be the intervention zone for this second phase of the project, focusing on training, information and advocacy on ANJE and CICSLM. Gabon will see a more targeted intervention.
Follow the activities of the ANJE Project