UN Human Rights Council decides to start elaborating an international legally binding instrument to end human rights abuses and impunity by transnational corporations and other business enterprises
Geneva/Switzerland, Heidelberg/Germany – June 27, 2014: In its work for the right to adequate food and related rights, FIAN has observed and documented human rights violations by transnational corporations (TNCs). FIAN has also found that the existing voluntary standards do not provide protection or remedy against such violations.
Based on its experience and casework, FIAN has been advocating in alliance with more than 600 civil society organizations worldwid for the adoption of a legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and human rights. The resolution adopted on June 26 by the Human Rights Council establishes an open-ended intergovernmental working group with the mandate to elaborate a binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises. The resolution is a significant step forward to ensuring respect for and protection of human rights.
“As part of the Treaty Alliance, FIAN will continue engaging in this process and will support the work of the intergovernmental working group in order to guarantee that the views of affected communities are taken into account in the drafting debate”, said Ana María Suarez Franco, permanent representative of FIAN International in Geneva.
Of special concern will be the integration of the rights of the most marginalized populations, such as women, peasants and indigenous peoples, as well as the protection of human rights defenders, into the discussions of the working group. Moreover, the binding instrument should elaborate on the extraterritorial obligations of States where the violating corporation, or its controlling company, has its centre of activity, is domiciled, or has substantial business activities.
FIAN calls for a public and transparent elaboration process that ensures the participation of civil society organizations and social movements working to promote corporate accountability. Furthermore, FIAN encourages all the States of the Human Rights Council, including those which have voted against the resolution or have abstained, to constructively participate in the open-ended working group. Such participation will facilitate the achievement of effective regulations in the field at the international level, reaffirm the primacy of human rights, and make it possible to hold TNCs accountable.