GIFA Breastfeeding afternoon (online) on Tuesday 12 March 2024, 1-3pm in French
“Prolonged breastfeeding: preconceived ideas and current information”.
The zoom link will be publishid on 5 March 2024 here
- Magali Bontemps, IBCLC, auxiliary nursery nurse, agronomy engineer ENSFA Rennes, coordinator of AMF https://www.allaitement-maternel-formation.com/
- Nathalie Donnez, midwife, co-founder de Naître chez soi https://naitrechezsoi.ch/
Learning objectives :
- Provide information on the benefits of prolonged breastfeeding for the health of the child and the mother.
- Analyse society’s view of prolonged breastfeeding.
- Get current data on the composition of milk after 12 months.
Target audience:
Anyone in contact with mothers and babies, paediatricians and gynaecologists, general practitioners, midwives, pharmacists, nursery staff, …. But also parents.
Participation is free of charge, but for certification and the allocation of e-log points, we ask for a flat-rate contribution of CHF 10 to be paid to GIFA. Bank details can be found on this page https://www.gifa.org/faire-un-don/