We are delighted to present a new documentary film on breastfeeding: “East meets West for the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding”. It was created by Stéfanie Rosin (WBTi Germany) during her three-month trip to the Asian countries of the IBFAN network.
The WBTi is mentioned several times in this film. We hope that information on the valuable work of the breastfeeding audit will be disseminated and reinforced in this way. This film shows the importance of protecting and promoting breastfeeding within every culture.
For this 1 hour 25 minute film, there are
- an English version : https://iccf-brp.org/en-film/
- an English version with German subtitles: https://iccf-brp.org/de/film/
Enjoy your viewing and feel free to share it widely.
References on this Topic
WBTi : World Breastfeeding Trends initiative http://www.worldbreastfeedingtrends.org/
WBTi Suisse : https://wbti-swiss-fr.jimdofree.com/
IBFAN : International Babyfood Action Network https://www.ibfan.org/