The Swiss group Nestlé adds sugar to certain food products for newborns in poor countries, denounce the RTS, the Basler Zeitung, the Berner Zeitung, the Bund, the NZZ and the Tages-Anzeiger, citing a study by the NGO Public Eye.
The study points out that children who are introduced to sweets at an early age are at greater risk of becoming obese and suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This practice is banned in Europe.
Nestlé claims in the press that its infant formula complies with the laws and recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO). However, quality and compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes must be equal throughout the world!
Public Eye and IBFAN address the problem
The two leading baby food brands that Nestlé promotes as healthy and essential for the development of children in low- and middle-income countries contain high levels of added sugar. Yet in Switzerland, where Nestlé is headquartered, such products are sold with no added sugar. This is the finding of a new investigation by Public Eye, in collaboration with the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), which points the finger at the hypocrisy and misleading marketing of the Swiss food giant.
A growing market
Fifty years after the “baby-killing” powdered milk scandal, Nestlé claims to have learned from the past and proclaims its “unwavering commitment” to the “responsible marketing” of breast-milk substitutes….
Read the full article by Public Eye and IBFAN https://stories.publiceye.ch/nestle-babies
Sign the petition
Please sign the petition https://www.thepetitionsite.com/fr/637/598/722/nestl%C3%A9-is-filling-baby-food-with-sugar-in-poorer-countries.-demand-justice/